-- The setting of page_title is inside file
This file is not overridable.
-- But you can copy code from the above file inside your template file:
and change it e.g.
$cid = JRequest::getInt('cid', 0);
// Get item data
$item = & $this->item;
$params = & $this->params;
$cats = new flexicontent_cats($cid);
$parents = $cats->getParentlist();
$document = & JFactory::getDocument();
$menus = & JSite::getMenu();
$menu = $menus->getActive();
if ($params->get('override_title', 0)) {
if ($params->get('custom_ititle', '')) {
$params->set('page_title', $params->get('custom_ititle'));
} else {
$params->set('page_title', $item->title);
} else {
// Get the menu item object
if (is_object($menu)) {
$menu_params = new JParameter( $menu->params );
if (!$menu_params->get( 'page_title')) {
$params->set('page_title', $item->title);
} else {
$params->set('page_title', $item->title);
* Create the document title
* First is to check if we have a category id, if yes add it.
* If we haven't one than we accessed this screen direct via
* the menu and don't add the parent category
if($cid && $params->get('addcat_title', 1) && (count($parents)>0)) {
$parentcat = array_pop($parents);
$doc_title = $params->get( 'page_title' ) . (isset($parentcat->title) ? ' - '.$parentcat->title:"");
} else {
$doc_title = $params->get( 'page_title' );
-- Effectively the above code sets the title again.If you need further change title then edit these are the final lines:
if (...) {
$doc_title = ...;
} else {
$doc_title = ...;