Hello we are happy to release 2 version of Flexicontent
- Flexicontent 3.3.14
- Flexicontent 4.1.3
What's new ? many bug fixe and stability code for joomla 3 and joomla 4 !
Other thing is that Flexicontent improve his PHP 8.1 and its a good new because Joomla core team announce joomla 5 road they doesn't want to create a new big break down. Good new !
If a component works on joomla 4 AND works with PHP 8.1 => it become ready for joomla 5
As you can see we already in this guidline ! Flexicontent 4 series are already joomla 5 compatibility !
You can update your Flexicontent here : https://www.flexicontent.org/downloads/latest-version.html