Hello we works hard on FLEXicontent 3.4
Some news about important feature are fixed and tested
1 Render-in-views feature
Besides "Render-in-views feature", being added to all fields (before only a few fields had it)
(=not show field in views: category, item, etc, even if the field exists in a particular layout)
We also completed adding "Render-in-clients" feature
- This allows to select to which clients (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) the field should be shown
- Caching per client type , of course continues to work ..
2 Addressint field and maps module :
- Adding algolia search place to allow user to geolacate place in form instead of google map, its free for 150000 request peer month !
see demo here : https://community.algolia.com/places/examples.html
- We add a custom marker system, admin can set a flder for marker, and user can select visualy the wanted marker !
- User can set the postion of marker for a better display
- the zoom display is dynamicly saved and it will be the final render
And all thing works in flexicontent map module you can choose to use specifi icon or specific fallback !
Now you can create powerfful map according flexicontent search system
2 Custom loading option
- We are happy to offer a loading message customisation to wait filtering
In glocal config you can set option, load animate gif icon, change color etc ...
3 Form conceptor for email field (beta release)
we add the first step of form conceptor for email field, you can replace simple mailto link for a form
- adding unlimited html5 field (text, email, freetext, hiddenfield, slider, file, checkbx radiobox, date, tel, url)
- required option
- order by drag and drop
- file attachement
- recaptcha
- rgpd consent
We have more features in this next release ! its will be the most important relaease for 3.X series