As you can see we already have a banner .... and an article but why we didn't publish it ?
Because we work too hard on new version of FLEXIcontent, like windows 9, houps 10, we decide to change numerotation for next version, it will be
FLEXIcontent 3
Why v3 ? because we rebuild completly the administration. List feature :
Full responsiveLighter style and less infomationRebuild all views on bootstrap style with tabs systemEasier to use, we create a dependencie systeme, now flexicontent display less option in backend, more simple to be manage (for global config, plugin and module)We re-focus items edition on content at first
New stats dashboard with interactic charts (thanks to ignacio)
some images
Items list
Item edition
File manager
For 2015, The FLEXIcontent team work hard to improve the best CCK for joomla!.
For 2015 plan to improve FLEXIcontent on 4 ways :
BackendFront-endBig feature and functionSite and communication{/jb_bluebox}
Now with v3 almost of the admin is ok, we will continu to improve FLEXIcontent to be more easier to use with new dependencie system for categorie and menu.
For Front-end, we want to create some new template, like googlemaps template, agenda template etc. With more option and more compatibility with joomla template provider
We will continu to insert big features in our component. We plan to add group field (already on road), import export type (config, field, template), new field like filter inside content or universal plugin flexicontent to insert all flexicontent value in whole part of Joomla!. And we start to enchanced all multimedia fields etc...
About FLEXIcontent site we plan to migrate to Joomla 3 and changing template for a better presentation. And we want to produce a better documentation.
We think to stop J2.5 dev in august to bring you to update on Joomla 3{/jb_brownbox}
This year we want to open some Pro paid feature and support, do be affraid FLEXIcontent rest be free and we want to keep our forum reply quality !
Happy new year 2015 by FLEXIcontent team and think to promote our FLEXIcontent v3.
{jb_warning}Big news ! you can test now beta 3 for FLEXIcontent here{/jb_warning}{jb_warning}FIELD GROUP is inside !!!{/jb_warning}