DOKSoft Joomla Flexicontent Anywhere is a plugin for your Joomla allows you to insert Flexicontent article rendered with its template or any items' fields into any place of your pages.
Aslo it could insert a lists of items (with or without pager) generated by SQL query (only in PRO version).
Has Free and PRO versions.
Here are some examples of macroses you can insert in any place of your articles:
1. Rendeing item with ID=35 with using its template:
2. Rendering `my_field` field of item with ID=24 with using call to according Flexicontent field plugin:
3. (PRO) Displaying 3 latest blog posts (type=`blog-post`):
{flexisql:SELECT FROM # __content c JOIN # __flexicontent_items_ext f ON f.item_id = JOIN # __flexicontent_types t ON WHERE t.alias='blog-post' ORDER BY c.created DESC LIMIT 3}
4. (PRO) Displaying all blog posts (type=`blog-post`) by 10 items with pager:
{flexisql:10:SELECT FROM # __content c JOIN # __flexicontent_items_ext f ON f.item_id = JOIN # __flexicontent_types t ON WHERE t.alias='blog-post' ORDER BY c.created DESC}