When I started to develop FLEXIcontent in December 2008, I couldn’t imagine the work it would involve to get this stable version finally released. It cost me a lot of time and energy to build something generic, extensible and usable by anybody. Now, even it probably cost me the mother of my daughter and my family life, I’m proud of the work achieved and think it’s not too bad for my first component.
In this new release you won’t find a lot of new features because it’s a stable release and each new feature may introduce new bugs.
What’s new in this release:
Version control:
Yes it’s true! You can now continue working on a content leaving an old version published on the website till it’s finished.

Read more about the enhanced version control.
Frontend article submission (no extra-fields and no editing) :
I know it’s not enough but that’s all we can do for now. It allows at least the users to submit new contents on the website.

Tags by auto-complete:
I discovered the limit of the checkboxes list working on a client website that have around 1000 tags. The auto-complete solution is much more ergonomic ;-)

Save and new:
This feature will be available in Joomla 1.6, as it’s very practical we decided to add it now

Copy fields:
You can now copy the fields.

Category list in the item view:
Up to now the category select was not very practical. We decided to modify the select positions and behaviors. Now you just have to choose the category/ies your item belongs to on the multiple select. If you wish to choose the primary category yourself, you can do it in the second select. If you don't do it, the system will do it for you.

New redirection management:
You can now choose if you wish to display the unauthorized items in the category views and where to redirect the read more links in case of not logged or unauthorized. This make it very practical for those who wish to sell content on their website.

SEO parameters for items:
One of the most useful parameter for SEO is the title tag. With Flexicontent you can now build your title tag for any of your items you can choose if you wish to enclose the category name and override the article title with whatever you want.

Organization of the global configuration screen:
We tried to make it easier to configure FLEXIcontent by naming all the configuration sections properly.

New rules and check for FLEXIaccess
FLEXIaccess is the most advanced ACL solution developed for Joomla. Combined with FLEXIcontent it allows to build real intranet portals, collaborative web publishing system and sell content (combined with AEC) on your website.

Read more about FLEXIaccess
What’s next?
We hope to release the multi-purpose content module next week.
We now start a new beta branch with the frontend editing allowing our users to build community websites and directories.
A new resource section will open shortly on the website to list all FLEXIcontent’s available extensions, articles, templates, modules, tricks, tutorials, screencasts,…
Get FLEXIcontent now!