- Retrieving a basic field of the item, like title and category title:
$db = & JFactory::getDBO();
// Set a different item id if you don't want the current item ...
$fcitem_id= JRequest::getInt('id',0);
$fccat_id= JRequest::getInt('cid',0);
$view= JRequest::getVar('view');
if ($view!='items' && $view!='item' && $view!='article') {
return "not in items view";
// RETRIEVE item data
if ($fcitem_id) {
$query = 'SELECT c.*'
.' FROM '.'#'.'__content AS c '
.' WHERE c.id = ' . $fcitem_id;
$itemdata = $db->loadObject();
$item_title = $itemdata->title;
// NOTE $itemdata now CONTAINS all item's basic fields
// (but not values for FLEXIcontent fields)
// RETRIEVE item's category data
if ($fccat_id) {
$query = 'SELECT c.*'
.' FROM '.'#'.'__categories AS c'
.' WHERE c.id = ' . $fccat_id;
$catdata = $db->loadObject();
$cat_title = $catdata->title;
// NOTE $catdata now CONTAINS all item's category basic fields
// FINAL STEP: --IF-- your code is for using in a RSform field
// then you need to return it:
// so, USE ONE of the following return statements
// e.g.
return $item_title;
return $cat_title;
// e.g.
return $item_title ." - ".$cat_title;
- Retrieving the value of a custom field:
$db = & JFactory::getDBO();
// Set a different item id if you don't want the current item ...
$fcitem_id= JRequest::getInt('id',0);
$fccat_id= JRequest::getInt('cid',0);
$view= JRequest::getVar('view');
if ($view!='items' && $view!='item' && $view!='article') {
return "not in items view";
if ($fcitem_id) {
$query = 'SELECT c.title, c.alias, f.value'
.' FROM '.'#'.'__content AS c '
.' LEFT JOIN '.'#'.'__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS f'
.' ON f.item_id = c.id AND f.field_id='.(int)$field_id
.' WHERE c.id = ' . $fcitem_id;
$itemdata = $db->loadObject();
$item_title = $itemdata->title;
return $itemdata->value;
To get the label instead of the value of indexed fields (fields that have a value::label) like radio, radioimage, checkbox, checkboximage, select, selectmultiple
return $itemdata->value;with
require_once (JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components/com_flexicontent/defineconstants.php');
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.'#'.'__flexicontent_fields WHERE id='.(int)$field_id;
$field = $db->loadObject();
$field->parameters = FLEXI_J16GE ? new JRegistry($field->attribs) : new JParameter($field->attribs);
$elements = FlexicontentFields::indexedField_getElements( $field, $itemdata );
$label_of_value = $elements[$itemdata->value]->text;
return $label_of_value;
NOTE: Click to make this item favourable to be notified of updates
ALSO read this article:
-- Retrieving the HTML DISPLAY of FC fields inside 3rd-party code