Inside every field there are these parameters (or at least 2 of them if field is single value):
- Open Field text
- Prefix Value Text
- Suffix Value Text
- Close Field text
You can use other fields values by entering replacements like:
-- e.g for core ITEM properties (created,createdby,title,alias, etc) :
{{item->title}} and {{item->created}}
-- e.g for single property CUSTOM fields (text,date, etc) :
-- e.g. for multi-property CUSTOM fields (weblink,email, etc) :
{{field19##0##link}} and {{field19##0##addr}}
-- e.g. for indexable field that have value (=index) and label (select,selectmultiple,radio,checkbox,radioimage,checkboximage, etc) :
{{field21##0##_value_}} or {{field21##0##_text_}} or {{field21##0##_image_}}