[IT's normal] Impossible de supprimer le cache FC cats

12 years 8 months ago #26201 by Pierot

Je n'arrive pas à supprimer le cache de FC.

Comment remédier à ce problème ?


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12 years 8 months ago #26205 by ggppdk
Actually when you try to delete cache for category it works and it is deleted , yes

But it is then recreated when any joomla screen is loaded by the --SYSTEM-- FLEXIcontent plugin, so this behavior is normal and nothing to be worried about.

In general you do not need to delete this manually, but since you did the newly created cache files are 100% fresh.


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12 years 8 months ago #26210 by Pierot

No, I think it is not normal.
Here are two pictures:
Before deleting the cache:

I click delete.
After deleting the cache

All files are deleted except those in categories.

This could come from it a right to file ?
All my files are in 0644.


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12 years 8 months ago #26212 by ggppdk
what else can i say? i think i has given all the details, to explain the order of events.

if you want to call this not normal, it is ok

but this is the expected behavior when given the logic of FLEXIcontent System plugin

This plugin recreates a cache data of FLEXIcontent categories, and this is done --deliberately--

Remember that Joomla System plugins are executed in both frontend / backend and in all components.

The code is there and it gets executed and it recreates the cache files.

Look at your HTTP server time, then clear cache then look at the date-time of these files. i really cannot say anything else.

Finally, changing this behavior is not an option, because all FLEXIcontent code relies on it.

Best Regards

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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12 years 8 months ago #26216 by Pierot
Thank you for your explanations.
I did not pay attention to the file date.


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