New events calendar template

11 years 3 months ago #33255 by Rehne
Replied by Rehne on topic New events calendar template

fgossart wrote: I think I have found a first bug in settings Display Events in future (custom value).
Actually the value has no effect, all the futures events are displayed.
In category_items.php i change the < with > on the second check . I think it's copied from before and not correct.
if ($displayEventsInFuture == 2) {
if (($dateToCheck[1] > ($today[1] + $displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom)) && ($dateToCheck2[1] > ($today[1] + $displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom)))
continue; // skip it < event doesnt lie in the current month's time range ($today[1] = month e.g. 4)}

it feels better now, I still have to found now how I could navigate through past and future months if possible.


I have now changed this (show events in past / future)
as i have do some tests and still found several other problems
the new one (code) works
what to do:

delete lines 544-558 (between $yearDiff = $dateToCheck[0] - $today[0]; AND $monthAdjust = 0;
// if event year < current year OR (event year is current year and event month < current month) // show no events in past if ($displayEventsInPast == 0) { // 0 = No, 1 = all, 2 = custom ($displayEventsMonthInPastCustom) if ( $yearDiff < 0 || ($yearDiff == 0 && $dateToCheck[1] < ($today[1])) ) continue; // skip it < event doesnt lie in the current month's time range ($today[1] = month e.g. 4) } if ($displayEventsInPast == 2) { if (($dateToCheck[1] < ($today[1] - $displayEventsMonthInPastCustom)) && ($dateToCheck2[1] < ($today[1] - $displayEventsMonthInPastCustom))) continue; } // show no events in future // Kontrollieren if ($displayEventsInFuture == 0) { // 0 = No, 1 = all, 2 = custom ($displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom) if ( $yearDiff > 0 || ($yearDiff == 0 && $dateToCheck[1] > ($today[1])) ) continue; // skip it < event doesnt lie in the current month's time range ($today[1] = month e.g. 4) } if ($displayEventsInFuture == 2) { if (($dateToCheck[1] > ($today[1] + $displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom)) || ($dateToCheck2[1] > ($today[1] + $displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom))) continue; } delete lines 606-614 (between $multiYearAdjust = ($eventDate[1][0] - $eventDate[0][0]) * 12; AND $i = $eventDate[0][2]; if ($eventDate[0][0] == $today[0] && $eventDate[0][1] < $today[1]) { // $today[0] = year int e.g. 2011, $today[1] = month e.g. 4 // if it's the same year and before the current month and choose DISPLAY events in past = no, set $eventDate to 1st of today's month if ( ($displayEventsInPast == 0) || ( ($displayEventsInPast == 2) && ($displayEventsMonthInPastCustom < 1)) ) { // 0 = No, 1 = all, 2 = custom $eventDate[0][1] = $today[1]; // $today[1] = month e.g. 4 $eventDate[0][2] = 1; } }

delete line 623
if ( ($displayEventsInFuture == 1) || (($displayEventsInFuture == 2) && ($displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom > 0)) ) { $event_endDay += $eventDate[1][2]; // = month e.g. 7 // Kontrollieren }

ad following new lines after $eventMonthKey = $m + $monthAdjust;
// show no event in past if ( ($displayEventsInPast == 0) || ( ($displayEventsInPast == 2) && ($displayEventsMonthInPastCustom < 1)) ) { if ( ($y < $today[0]) || ($y == $today[0] && $m < $today[1] ) ) continue; } // show custom event in past if ($displayEventsInPast == 2) { if ( (($y < $today[0]) && ($m < ($today[1] - $displayEventsMonthInPastCustom + 12))) || (($y == $today[0]) && $m < ($today[1] - $displayEventsMonthInPastCustom)) ) continue; } // show no event in future if ( ($displayEventsInFuture == 0) || (($displayEventsInFuture == 2) && ($displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom < 1)) ) { if ( ($y > $today[0]) || ($y == $today[0] && $m > $today[1] ) ) continue; } // show custom event in future if ($displayEventsInFuture == 2) { if ( (($y > $today[0]) && $m > ($today[1] + $displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom)) || (($y == $today[0]) && $m > ($today[1] + $displayEventsMonthInFutureCustom)) ) continue; } // show the event only one time (in all month) in the list layout $event_MonthKey[$i] = $eventMonthKey; if (isset($event_MonthKey[$i - 1])) { if ( ($event_catViewLayout == 1) && ($event_MonthKey[$i] == $event_MonthKey[$i - 1]) ) continue; }

thats it


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11 years 3 months ago #33259 by fgossart
I will put your changes soon. Thanks

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11 years 1 month ago #36374 by fgossart
When I put an event with 2 dates, start/end the event is displayed in start month, but not in end month.

Sometimes event are during more than one month or begin end month and start beginning of month+1 and are not displayed.

An idea to suggest ?

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11 years 1 month ago #36375 by Rehne
Replied by Rehne on topic New events calendar template

fgossart wrote: When I put an event with 2 dates, start/end the event is displayed in start month, but not in end month.

Sometimes event are during more than one month or begin end month and start beginning of month+1 and are not displayed.

An idea to suggest ?


i need more infos (examble with screenshots)
which layout (calendar, List ?)

which flexiversion? (with the new FC version i have not tested the template this time and maybe it needs some adjustments...)


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11 years 1 month ago #36376 by fgossart
you can see in this web site ... da#mai2013

sorry it's french... but you can see what I'm using
I use FC 2 latest

I could try to find and modify your code, but first just tell me if it's a bug or you didn't duplicate the event in other months views.

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11 years 1 month ago #36534 by Rehne
Replied by Rehne on topic New events calendar template

fgossart wrote: you can see in this web site ... da#mai2013

sorry it's french... but you can see what I'm using
I use FC 2 latest

I could try to find and modify your code, but first just tell me if it's a bug or you didn't duplicate the event in other months views.

ok i see ... mmm
unfortunately i'm just not so
preoccupied in the template (code for accordion style) ... do you understand what i mean ... my English is not so good, sorry
i would have to deal with it again ... but I just do not have time, sorry aggain


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