Default value e.g. for a text field will work only if field is not hidden.
You will then have to duplicate the text fields
and modify both files:
-- myfield.xml for setting the parameter that hides the field in the frontend
-- myfield.php that will use the default value not in the form only but also if no value is POSTED from the form.
A simpler solution would be to create a Joomla template override for the frontend item edit form that checks the fields outputted in the frontend and when this field is found, it is put inside a hidden html div tag
For these you will need the help of a developer
But your comment gives me a hint that we need a named id parameter for every field of item edit from.
I ll put this id to the loop that output the fields so that you can hide the field with a single CSS rule.
You can do it now:
change line
of components/com_flexicontent/views/item/tmpl/form.php
<td class="fcfield-row" style='padding:0px 2px 0px 2px; border: 0px solid lightgray;'>
<td id="fcfield-row_<?php echo $field->id; ?>" class="fcfield-row" style='padding:0px 2px 0px 2px; border: 0px solid lightgray;'>
And add to one of your CSS files, e.g. to your joomla CSS file template.css
#fcfield-row_45 { display:none; }
WHERE 45 is the id of your field !!!