This plugin contains the Pro features of flexicontent: expiration notifications, content replacements, etc.
About expiration notifications: You can use them to notify the owners of the items, and/or notify specific usergroups.
About content replacements:
Implements FIELD and ITEM and LINK replacements, allowing: - 'rendered display' of any field(s) - 'rendered display' of any item(s) - item or category links to be placed anywhere inside the joomla response HTML, formats are: {flexi_field:%fieldname% item:%item_id% method:%method_name%} e.g. {flexi_field:field29 item:117} e.g. {flexi_field:field29 item:117 method:display} {flexi_field:%fieldid% item:[%item_id% | current] method:%method_name%} e.g. {flexi_field:29 item:117 method:display} e.g. {flexi_field:29 item:current method:display} {flexi_item:%itemid% ilayout:%template_name%} e.g. {flexi_item:4444 ilayout:mydefault} {flexi_item:profile user:%user_id% ilayout:%template_name%} e.g. {flexi_item:profile user:137 ilayout:mydefault} // this is user profile item of user no 137 {flexi_item:profile author_of:[%item_id% | current] ilayout:%template_name%} e.g. {flexi_item:profile author_of:441 ilayout:mydefault} // this is user profile item of user that has authored item no 441 e.g. {flexi_item:profile author_of:current} // this is user profile item of user that has authored currently viewed item (current view should be item view) {flexi_link:[item | cat] [id | title]:id_or_title linktext:[_title_|_noclose_]} EXAMPLE of links using title as linktext e.g.{flexi_link:cat id:38 linktext:_title_} // <a href="/cat_38_url">Category title</a> e.g.{flexi_link:item id:577 linktext:_title_} // <a href="/item_577_url">Item title</a> EXAMPLE of links using custom HTML as linktext e.g.{flexi_link:item id:577 linktext:_noclose_} Some HTML {/flexi_link} // <a href="/item_577_url"> Some HTML </a> EXAMPLE of links using custom text as linktext e.g.{flexi_link:item id:577 linktext:"Some custom text"} // <a href="/item_577_url">Some custom text</a> EXAMPLE of links created by title e.g.{flexi_link:item title:"Title of item 577"} // <a href="/item_577_url">Item title</a>